fredag den 17. oktober 2008

URL parameter til InfoPath Form Services

Nå man skal udfylde en infopath web formular i sharepoint, sker der normalt ved at laver en nyt dokument i det dokumentbiblotek hvor formularen er tilknyttet. Men der findes en bedre metode, nemlig vil at lave et link som brugerne kan klikke på. Fordelen ved dette er at brugerne ikke behøves at vide noget om det dokumentbiblotek hvor formularerne bliver gemt, og måske skal i ikke engang have adgang til det.

Ok hvordan opbygger med så den url, her et et eks.

1. del
http://server/site1/formularliste/_layouts/FormServer.aspx beskriver hvor er

2. del
xsnLocation=http://server/site1/formularliste/Forms/template.xsn beskriver hvor infopath templaten er placeret.

3. del SaveLocation=http://server/site1/formularliste beskriver hvor skal formularen gemmes, hvis der er en SAVE knap på formularen. Det giver god mening at undvære denne parameter, da man normalt inden i infopath formularen kontrollere hvor den skal gemmes . via en submit forbindelse.

4. del Source=http://server/site1/formularliste beskriver hvor skal brugeren sendes hen, når formularen lukkes.

5. del DefaultItemOpen=1 beskriver at formularen skal åbnes i en browser.

Se i øvrigt her:

Parameter Name


Allowed Values


Used to open an existing form. The XmlLocation and XsnLocation properties are mutually exclusive; specifying values for both parameters will result in an error.

A valid URL to a form file (.xml) in the same site collection.


Used to open a new form based on a form template. If an XsnLocation is specified in a URL using FormServer.aspx, a SaveLocation should also be specified if the Save and Save As buttons need to be displayed. The Source parameter should also be specified or the message "The form has been closed" will appear when the user closes the form. The XmlLocation and XsnLocation properties are mutually exclusive; specifying values for both parameters will result in an error.

A valid URL to a form template file (.xsn) published on the same site collection.


  • If a Source query parameter is specified, the default value is Browser.

  • If XmlLocation is specified, the default value is the setting used in the library.

  • If only XsnLocation is specified, the default value is PreferClient.

  • If Mobile is specified, the form will be redirected to the MobileFormServer.aspx page for rendering. The form template must be enabled for mobile support or an error message will be returned.

  • Browser

  • Client

  • PreferClient

  • Mobile


The location to which the user will be redirected when the form is closed. The URL must be in the same site collection or an error will be returned.

A valid URL in the same site collection as the form.


DisableSave is the only allowed value. It hides the Save and Save As buttons and disables saving the form when it is rendered in the browser.



A Save As dialog box is displayed prompting the user for a filename, and then it is saved in the specified folder. An error is returned if the specified folder does not exist.

Any valid folder location on the site collection.


Does not redirect to FormServer.aspx for client detection or rendering in the browser. Default value is false. If true and an XmlLocation or XsnLocation is specified, a File Download dialog is displayed when using Internet Explorer.

  • true

  • false (default)


The OpenIn parameter should be used instead, and overrides the DefaultItemOpen parameter value. A value of 0 indicates that the request is from a document library and the InfoPath client was not detected. A value of 1 indicates that the request is from a document or form library that has the Display as a Web page setting.

  • 0

  • 1

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